In the upcoming weeks, we have a series of important Chiron transits:
- Chiron conjunct North Node
- Chiron conjunct (retrograde) Mercury
- Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron
Chiron transits bring us what is called a “healing crisis”.
A healing crisis means that healing is initially preceded by a worsening of the symptoms.
One example of a healing crisis is fever. Fever means that our immune system is fighting against the disease. It feels uncomfortable and distressing, but it’s actually a good thing.
Your Chiron Transits – The Healing Crisis
The same thing with our Chiron emotional, psychological or spiritual wounds. When we have Chiron transits – like we do now – these wounds are triggered, and try to make their way out from the subconscious, into the conscious.
And when this happens, it’s very important what we actually do: if we stop the process, if we ignore the symptoms of the healing crisis, the wound doesn’t find a way out, and continues to lurk in the subconscious, sabotaging our lives in subtle but significant ways.
Just because we have a Chiron transit this doesn’t mean that healing is guaranteed. Chiron transits indeed come with opportunities for healing. But if we’re not conscious of the process, we CAN miss the boat.
That’s why we have come up with the “Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” program, and that’s why we have aligned it with the current and upcoming Chiron transits: to give you that extra tool, that guided process to navigate through your healing journey effectively and make the most out of these opportunities for growth and transformation.
How do we work with the Chiron transits? Before exploring the current Chiron transits in Module 3, we take a step back and study our past Chiron transits in Module 2 (after we study our Chiron placement in Module 1).
Why do we study our past Chiron transits first?
Chiron Transits – Your Unique Chiron Story
Because people experience Chiron transits differently.
The issue with cookie-cutter descriptions on the internet is that they don’t account for the intricacies of your natal chart and your unique life experiences.
Since everyone’s chart is unique, we experience our Chiron transits, or our healing crises differently. That’s why, instead of relying on generic descriptions from the internet, it’s very important to analyze your Chiron transits from the past to identify your unique story.
Chiron transits are always personal experiences – and their unique nuances and influence will be revealed when you follow the approach outlined in Module 2 of the program.
When you put together your past experiences associated with your Chiron transits, you will notice some common patterns, and these patterns will help you gain a clear understanding of your unique Chiron story.
There are two types of Chiron transits: Chiron transits to other planets in our natal chart, and Chiron cycle transits, like the Chiron Return at the age of 50.
Not all Chiron transits are equally relevant – some transits are more important than others. For example, we don’t want to pay too much attention to the so-called “generational transits”. In the course, you will get clear guidance on which Chiron transits to focus on.
Chiron transits can be challenging, but not always. For example, some people associate their Chiron transits with positive, enlightening experiences that have changed the course of their lives for the better.
When you have a Chiron transit, a teacher can come into your life. This teacher can be an actual teacher, or anyone who plays the Chiron role for you. Your relationship with this ‘teacher’ will help you heal and reveal hidden gifts.
Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift
In the “Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” 3-week program, we study Chiron transits extensively.
One of the best things about “Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” is that we work with real-life examples and experiences. This is not just theory!
The “Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” approach is very enlightening for beginners and advanced students alike.
Are you a beginner? Don’t worry whether you know enough astrology – you will get guidance on how to identify these transits.
And if you’re an advanced student, this unique approach will help you connect the dots and identify insights you wouldn’t discover otherwise.
On Monday, March 25th at noon EDT we start! Join us here: