Identifying True Love
There’s some good and some bad news about falling in love. The good news is that the symptoms of love are easy to identify. The bad news is that those initial signs can often be untrustworthy — a lesson that many people unfortunately learn the hard way. Physical attraction and infatuation alone aren’t good indicators that a romance can go the distance. Luckily, there are still ways to tell whether your connection with someone is genuine. In fact, cultivating healthier relationships is easier when you learn to identify the signs that what you’re feeling is actually true love.
1. Loving Them Gets Easier
Love takes work, but that work gets easier and easier the truer your love becomes. This doesn’t mean that you get to completely coast through life when you’re together. It just means that you and your significant other will eventually get to a place where you know each other well. Your communication will improve, you’ll learn how to compromise, and you’ll experience true peace, security, and happiness. Once you reach that place, your love for them and your life together feel natural.
2. The Initial Passion Becomes Contentment
Being content and comfortable in love may sound boring compared to those passionate romps where you couldn’t get enough of each other in the early days of your relationship. However, all that lust and passion isn’t necessarily a sign of true love. Physical compatibility is important, but it can’t be the only thing keeping you together. Rather, one of the signs you’ve found true love is that you feel satisfied, generally well, and genuinely happy. This is a very enjoyable aspect of true love, and you can use it to explore the deeper parts of your relationship.
3. The Future Feels Certain
One of the signs that you’ve found true love is that you find yourself thinking about your partner in a future context. For example, you may buy tickets to a concert that’s months away, plan a trip together, or discuss places you’d like to live one day. You either consciously or unconsciously start accounting for their presence in the far-off future because you struggle to imagine them not being a part of it. Also, you will begin to see arguments as setbacks that you’ll overcome. They’re unavoidable, but you and your partner have an unspoken understanding that you will find a way to move past any issues and continue on your journey together.
4. You’re Committed To Each Other’s Happiness
Another indicator of true love is when someone stops focusing on just their own happiness and starts thinking about their partner’s happiness as well. This is not an act of manipulation (like “lovebombing”), which can be toxic. Instead, this is pure and loving — and when it indicates true love, it is generally mutual. It signifies a willingness to surrender or compromise what you want if it would ensure the other’s emotional or physical wellbeing. However, as long as it runs both ways, you can safeguard and watch out for each other’s happiness, ensuring that no one compromises or gives up too much. When you’ve met “the One,” their wellbeing becomes a concern in addition to your own.
5. The Love is Unconditional
It may sound a bit cliché, but one of the signs that you’ve found true love is that the feelings you have for one another are unconditional. That is not to say that you would stay with each other if someone cheated or began to disregard the other’s feelings. Instead, this means that your love isn’t dependent on superficial or surface-level details such as income, looks, or material possessions. True love doesn’t need to be earned.
6. You’re Living Your “Happily Ever After”
Some people spend their entire lives seeking a happy ending, like they’re in a fairy tale. Of course, life is more about the journey than the destination. Your “happily ever after” shouldn’t be your end goal — you should aspire to live it every day. If you are constantly researching how to keep your lover faithful or how to hold their interest, consider whether you’re genuinely living the happiest version of your story. True love will bring you joy and fulfillment as you walk your life path, and it’s worth seeking out.
Knowing When You’ve Found the One
True love is love that evolves. From those intense early days to the security and contentment that come with months and years of being together, the signs of true love are there if you search for them. If you need help identifying whether they exist in your current relationship, consider speaking to an expert on love, such as a relationship advisor or Love Psychic.
The post 6 Signs That You’ve Found True Love appeared first on California Psychics.