The Energies of Autumn
Autumn is approaching, so let’s look at some of the Tarot cards that really encapsulate the energy of this season. For most, autumn is a season of renewal. Perhaps it’s the Jewish New Year or the core memory of school starting up again each fall, or maybe it’s deeper than that. This is a season of endings as much as beginnings. In ancient Sumerian astrology, it was Furrow who gathered wheat for harvest. Later on in Ptolemaic astrology, it’s Virgo. In ancient Greek mythology, Persephone brings the harvest, and with her departure to the underworld, the first frost and signs of decay arrive. This is, above any other, a season of cycles. Here are some Tarot cards that connect to those ideas.
Saturday, September 3
“The Empress is a card associated with nurture, motherhood, feminine independence, and warm, inviting homes.”
Hearth and home. The Empress is Demeter, mother of Persephone: overprotective, safe, and nurturing. This is a card of harvest, also associated with Virgo and with the idea of empowerment. It is a reminder for people to seize their own power. When this card shows up in a reading, it can be a sign of a nurturing relationship. However, it can also indicate a smothering figure in your life.
Sunday, September 4
“Justice, represented by the scales, is a card of swift action and honor.”
This is a card for Libras, and it carries some October vibes in its crisp, authoritative energy. This card is about getting what you deserve, in both the best and the worst sense of the phrase. When it shows up in a reading, it is a sign that justice is about to be served. Just be careful. This isn’t necessarily justice by mortal standards. Rather, it may occur on a more complex and cosmic level.
Monday, September 5
“Death is a card that people fear, but that’s only because they don’t understand that the mythological cycle has no true beginning or end.”
This card is not about the literal process of death, although it could certainly be read like that under certain circumstances. Rather, it is really about the decay phase of any cycle. Things ebb and flow. They have to end to begin again, and this is visible in both the card itself, with death bringing new life in the form of flowers, and in the very essence of this season of harvest. Fall is associated with endings, decay, and preparation for new growth.
Tuesday, September 6
“The Page of Coins is for trying new things, learning, and exploring.”
This is the back-to-school card. The page is forever a student, a scholar who’s eager to learn. There is a willingness to explore but also to prove oneself, especially when it comes to something completely new. When this card shows up in a reading, it can indicate that you’re going to take on new work or an academic venture.
Wednesday, September 7
“The Four of Wands is a homecoming; it’s about leaning on the people who have always been there for you.”
This is the time of year when a lot of people return to the normal grind after summer’s end. The Four of Wands is all about finding comfort in the familiar. While summer encourages exploration, the end of summer and the beginning of autumn calls people to return home. When the Four of Wands shows up in a reading, it can indicate that you might reconnect with your old friends or your inner child.
Thursday, September 8
“The Hermit is the sage, a holder of wisdom. It is the teacher within, who you can always turn to in solitude.”
In the vein of learning new things, this is a great time to turn inward for some knowledge as well. This can mean revisiting yourself and the things you love or passing your knowledge on to people who are dealing with things that you’ve experienced before. When this card shows up in a reading, it can be a sign that you need to trust your gut.
Friday, September 9
“The World is a card of possibilities. It’s a card that’s about being transformed and seeing all the roads laid out before you, knowing that the journey is set to begin again.”
Where there is an ending, there is a beginning. No matter where you’re at in your own journey, it’s always good to look back at the doors that have closed, and the doors that you may not have even realized are coming up ahead. When you see this card in a reading, it means you have many possible roads ahead of you — and they’re all yours to explore.
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