Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by Maria Numero
There are several phrases of condolence that can serve as an example or inspiration to offer condolences.
The loss of a loved one is something that we all have difficulty coping with. Whether it is a friend or a family member, the feelings that this causes us can be very painful.
That is why it is important to find the appropriate condolence phrase that best reflects how we feel and support those who have lost a loved one. Here you will find several of them.
How to offer condolences?
Let’s start with some tips. Finding those words to offer condolences to your closest environment is a task that can cost us. It is a situation where feelings emerge, and we must be sensitive and educated.
It is not a meaningless action or one that is done out of pure tradition: it serves to provide much-needed emotional support in a situation in which we feel emotionally overwhelmed by the death of someone we love.
In this sense, keep in mind these recommendations from the point of view of Psychology:
Don’t get obsessed with memorizing the exact phrase, just the general idea (that way, spontaneity will prevail, and it won’t cost you to say it).
Do not go on too long. Remember that you are not the protagonist of the type of acts and rituals in which condolences are usually given.
By default, choose to offer condolences in a place that offers some privacy or gives the other person a chance to express their feelings to you without feeling pressured.
It is important to condolences in the first conversation after death, but it does not necessarily have to be the first thing you say (if you are not at the funeral event, be it wake or burial).
Condolence phrases to offer condolences in the best way
If you do not have the necessary words for this difficult moment, keep reading; Below, you will find several phrases of condolences to encourage a loss that can serve as an example.
1. My deepest condolences to you and your family. May God give you the peace you seek.
A phrase that can convey our feelings very well in a case like this.
2. May my condolences bring you comfort, and may my prayers ease your pain for this loss.
Sharing the loss is something we all do in these painful moments.
3. There are no words to describe how sorry I am for your loss.
It can be very difficult to find the right words to express ourselves in such difficult times.
4. I offer you my thoughts, prayers, and good wishes during this dark time in your life.
Supporting the relatives of our loved ones is an obligation that we must fulfill. Morally it is essential.
5. May our flowers and prayers reach our beloved loved one who has left us so soon.
Giving flowers in these cases is something common that can help comfort said loss.
6. I am available to your family; today and always.
Offering our help for any need is something that can comfort the relatives of our friend or family member who has already left.
7. I will always be here when you need me. May his soul rest in peace.
We will never forget that person who meant so much in our lives.
8. I wish you healing and peace. My condolences.
Our best wishes are something that we should always give in these cases.
9. Let your memories flood your mind, bring warmth to your heart and guide you forward.
The memories we share with that person will always be with us.
10. After the tears have dried and goodbyes have been said, we need to hold on to the happy memories we have shared with loved ones who have already passed. This is what keeps them alive in our minds and our hearts. My condolences.
This emotional phrase can be a very good farewell for someone who is no longer with us.
11. I am very sorry for your loss, my friend. You have always been there for me throughout my life, and I wanted to let you know that I will always be here for you.
Our friends may need a lot from us in these difficult times.
12. It may have escaped from our sight, but never from our hearts.
We will always have a place in our hearts for that person who was part of our life.
13. Until recently, I did not know that your relative had passed away. While I know that mere words cannot comfort you, I want to let you know that I am here for you if you need anything. I’ll be in touch with you.
A very sincere phrase that can be used very well as a message for a friend who has suffered a recent loss.
14. Our deepest condolences to the bereaved families. We pray that the good Lord will watch over the souls of those left devastated after the tragic incident.
Consecrating ourselves in our pain with the Lord can be something that gives us a lot of inner peace right now.
15. I don’t know how I can help you heal your pain, but I would like to know. I need you to know that you are in my prayers and that I wish you well.
We must inform ourselves of the emotional situation of our relatives to help them with what they need.
The post 15 phrases of condolences to encourage after a loss appeared first on Numerology Masters.