We are wired to make sense of the world through story and myth.
In millions of years of evolution, we didn’t have writing, books, or the internet. Our ancestors would gather around the fire and tell stories. This is how knowledge has been passed on for tens of thousands of years.
This is how we really learn.
Hero’s Journey – A Template For Making Sense Of The World
The reason Joseph Campbell has become so famous is that he has captured into a framework something every human being resonates with.
The Hero’s Journey is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a critical crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.
The Hero’Journey framework strikes a chord in every single one of us, no matter in which field we apply it.
Books, stories, or Hollywood blockbusters – are all designed after the Hero’s Journey: the story begins when the Hero is presented with a great challenge – to fight the dragon, save the princess, – or in the modern day, to get a job, find a partner, make friends, or recover from addiction – and then follows the hero’s footsteps in overcoming this challenge.
The Hero’s Journey has 12 stages. The 12 stages of the Hero’s Journey – from the “call to adventure” to “resolution” – correspond to the 12 aspects planets make in their cycle.
Hero’s Journey And The Mars Cycle
The Hero’s Journey astrological analogy we use is the Sun-Mars synodic cycle. When we say “hero” that’s of course both the hero and the heroine. We all have Mars in our chart, regardless of our gender.
Why do we use the Mars cycle to describe aspects and the Hero’s Journey?
Because Mars is the first planet to make a full circle around the Sun, as seen from Earth.
If Mercury and Venus never travel too far from the Sun (Mercury never travels more than 28° from the Sun, Venus 48°), – Mars is the first planet to apply sextiles, squares, quincunxes and oppositions to the Sun.
Mars is the planet that pushes us outside of the comfort of our “Ordinary World” into the “Special World”. When we don’t take action, nothing happens. When we instead answer Mars’ call to adventure we grow and evolve. We become heroes.
If we wouldn’t have aspects, there would be no movement, and there would be no life.
Astrological aspects are an abstraction of our soul’s movement through space and time.
The Mars cycle is the allegorical Hero’s Journey, describing how we interact with the world, and how we go about life.
Our life is nothing else but a succession of hero journeys, and the aspects describe the phase of the hero’s journey we are in.
Aspects And The Hero’s Journey
The “Aspects And The Hero’s Journey” webinar will help you look at aspects and your natal chart in ways you’ve never done before.
The reason why “Aspects And The Hero’s Journey” is such an effective way of making sense of astrological aspects is that it follows the same narrative we’ve been using to make sense of life for tens of thousands of years.
If you’re interested in the “Aspects And The Hero’s Journey” webinar make sure you join us soon.
We will cap the registration at 100 people (half of the spots have filled up). If you click on the link and the registration is open, this means there are still seats available.
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