Crystals as Psychic Aids
On some level, all people have the ability to feel, sense, and somehow know things in a way that can best be described as mystical. And while not everyone chooses to cultivate or pursue a career that uses their intuitive abilities, just about anybody can benefit from psychic insight every now and again.
It is a sacred act to give or receive a psychic reading. If you’re reading for someone else, you’re connecting with the soul of another person who is trusting you to channel Spirit and help guide them. Meanwhile, if you’re receiving a psychic insight from someone else, you are baring your heart and exposing your deepest emotions, making yourself vulnerable so that they can guide you through whatever challengers you’re facing. Given the personal significance of such an undertaking, it’s important to use every skill and tool in your arsenal to encourage success. One of the easiest ways to do this is to supplement your reading experience by surrounding yourself with certain crystals.
Luckily, if you feel inspired in your heart to give or receive psychic readings, there are an abundance of crystalline energies that can help you. You can (and should) use any crystals that resonate with you or that just “feel right” for the reading. However, there are also many crystals that have natural qualities that make them perfect for reading.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is the master manifesting crystal. This colorless stone is connected to every chakra. It can also help you understand what Spirit wants you to say in each reading. Simply say a little prayer that Spirit will speak through you, and then the clear quartz will help ensure that you experience clear sight and inner knowing. It will show you what needs to be said and done for you to manifest your desires.
Black Tourmaline
The glistening black stone known as black tourmaline serves as the master protector from negative vibrations of every kind. Thanks to its connection with the Root Chakra, it has a powerful ability to absorb and dispel dark energy, allowing it to act as a psychic shield during readings. It is very grounding. As a result, people who are in awful physical, mental, or emotional pain (whether they be reader, querent, or both) sometimes find that this crystal can help them release any hurt, anguish, or anxiety they’re feeling. This opens the path for them to have a truly positive reading experience.
Amethyst is the great guardian and guide of all things psychic and intuitive. Its deep purple hue is aligned with the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, making it a powerful conduit for divine energy. If you feel drawn to its gorgeous color, that may mean that your psychic gifts are opening and growing. Amethyst brings clarity and can also help supply the physical and spiritual energy necessary for a reading. It can give strength, stability, and a profound sense of oneness with Spirit.
The soft, heavenly blue hue of celestite belongs mainly to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, though it arouses the Crown Chakra as well. It inspires truth, opens communication, and calms emotion as it helps you connect directly with celestial beings, spiritual guides, and guardian angels. It has been known to open people to Divine Enlightenment during meditation sessions and psychic readings.
Rose Quartz
The gentle pink color of rose quartz aligns with the Heart Chakra, helping you stay emotionally centered as it inspires compassion and empathy, as well as healing thoughts, feelings, and words. The vast majority of readings are about love, and these messages can be difficult to share and receive. Luckily, this heart stone can enhance the loving kindness necessary to heal heartache and uplift the soul. It helps bring about both reconciliation and new love.
Labradorite emits an energy that can help you create hope where there was none before. It supports you as you clear out the negative, replacing that energy with all that is positive, loving, and good. Connected mainly to the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras, it empowers telepathic abilities and can also help you access the Akashic Records for divine insight. This stone shines with a rainbow of hues: blues, greens, yellows, and violets. It creates and maintains emotional balance. During a reading, it can also help ground and steady everyone involved, bringing out the best in people.
Used for bringing in the beauty of the sun’s radiant light and connecting it to the soul, citrine can work wonders during a reading. Linked to the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, this orange and yellow gemstone helps create hope, joy, and success. It brings mental clarity that weaves reason and intuition together into a practical form of guidance. Additionally, this stone can boost willpower and self-esteem, and it is amazing at manifesting good fortune.
Azurite is a beautiful, deep, royal blue gemstone that is aligned with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. It is said to be one of the biblical stones included on High Priest Aaron’s breastplate. It reveals the truth in all things. Also known as Lapis Linguis, it was favored by the great psychic Edgar Cayce. He claimed that it can raise psychic vibrations, and that holding it for even a few minutes can amplify someone’s psychic abilities. However, be sure not wear it on a daily basis, as that could produce an ungrounding effect. Cayce also spoke of how this stone can support greater mental and spiritual development.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is another deep blue stone that was mentioned by Edgar Cayce. Also connected to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, it is laced with specks and threads of golden pyrite. This pretty crystal is known to help you focus as you receive direct spiritual guidance. Like azurite, it can help both reader and querent remain calm and peaceful. It makes it easier for you to see what is true, which in turns allows for more accurate connections and interpretations of psychic impressions, whether they’re received with or without tools.
The deep green hues of malachite are connected to the Heart Chakra. Edgar Cayce taught that malachite activates your psychic abilities and can even protect your auric field. It is a great grounder and can also shield you from negative energy. This gemstone can help you manifest any transformations that you desire in life. It radiates healing energy and is a magnet for love and financial abundance.
Moonstone and Rainbow Moonstone
The moon herself is represented by this gleaming white crystal with its splotches of black, which resemble the moon’s craters in the night sky, along with its relative that shimmers like the rainbow. Moonstones and rainbow moonstones align mainly with the Crown Chakra, though they actually activate all the chakras and gently connect with the Divine Feminine in people of any sex. They help manifest divine inspiration, insight, and new beginnings. Additionally, they make it easier to release stress and see your soul’s purpose. As psychic protectors, they keep you safe while helping your intuition flow like the sea. They are strong guardians during travel, both physical and astral. These stones also support sweet sleep and psychic dreams. Even more, they’re known to increase the gift of prophecy during readings.
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