The Significance of Spiritual Enlightenment
With so many goalposts in life, your spiritual path can often go unexplored. When juggling money, family, friends, and more, it can be easy to get distracted by the day-to-day necessities. In turn, this makes it possible to accidentally neglect what seems “extra,” including personal and spiritual improvement. However, moving toward spiritual enlightenment may actually be able to help with all those worries. As in the parable of the tortoise and the hare, sometimes the best way to win the race is to slow down and steady yourself.
What Is Spiritual Enlightenment?
The exact definition of spiritual enlightenment is the subject of much discussion, but at its core, spiritual enlightenment is a daily practice and life-long journey that prioritizes mindfulness, humility, honesty, and loving action.
While some concepts of spiritual enlightenment focus on a higher power, others emphasize developing a stronger connection to your inner self and the world around you. While many modern practices focus on Buddhist and Hindu paths toward enlightenment, the concept also has ties to ancient Greek philosophy and divine illumination.
How To Reach Spiritual Enlightenment
While enlightenment is sometimes viewed as an awakening, for most people, there is no specific moment that they start feeling “enlightened.” Indeed, the end goal is sometimes less important than the journey. The priority is the path, not just the finish line. This is why a key tenet of spiritual enlightenment is the belief that there is always room for personal growth and improvement.
1. Be Part of a Community
Finding a sense of community (whether it be online or in person) will remind you that you don’t need to go on your spiritual journey alone. There are so many lessons and opportunities that can be found when you prioritize your fellowship with other people. Having a community also gives you a chance to aid others, allowing you to practice selflessness and move away from material, ego-driven goals.
2. Practice Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation is sometimes referred to as “TM.” TM involves meditating with a silent mantra for 15–20 minutes twice per day while you sit with your eyes closed. This technique is thought to be more effective than other forms of meditation, and many people report improvements to their clarity, focus, and energy. While the technique was popularized in India by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during the 1950s, TM quickly became popular with celebrities like the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Today, filmmaker David Lynch has an entire foundation dedicated to teaching transcendental meditation.
3. Ground Yourself
Grounding is a technique that you can use to feel more connected with the physical world. There are many ways to practice grounding, so look for one that seems interesting to you. One of the most basic ways is to very literally “go touch grass.” Having contact with the earth, whether it be with your hands, your bare feet, or even from sitting outside, is a great way to feel more connected to the energies of nature. When you’re grounded in the physical world, it becomes easier to manifest changes in your physical life.
4. Do a Cord-Cutting Ritual
Cord-cutting rituals can be done to help you let go of the things in your life that weigh you down spiritually and emotionally. Moving forward can be difficult when you’re carrying unnecessary baggage. This type of ritual can help you find peace and closure with a person, place, or idea that no longer serves you.
5. Practice Yoga
Yoga is a great way to start feeling more present in your body. Exercising and maintaining your physical health can have a strong impact on your mind. Many people find that practicing yoga can lower their blood pressure, stabilize their mood, and calm their mind. This, in turn, is the perfect segue into meditation. When you clear the white noise out of your head and focus on your goals, you move closer to spiritual enlightenment.
6. Be Forgiving
Some say forgiveness always needs to be earned. However, in truth, sometimes forgiveness can be a gift that you give to yourself. Letting go of past resentments and grudges will help you move out of a low-vibration mindset. Additionally, remember that forgiveness doesn’t always have to be given to another person. It’s important that you forgive yourself for making mistakes or choices that you regret. Giving yourself grace is an important part of releasing your ego, which is itself key to spiritual enlightenment.
Walking the Path
Remember that the path to spiritual enlightenment isn’t always a straight line. Everyone’s spiritual journey looks different. The road may have bumps, setbacks, or unexpected turns — but it’s all part of the process. Let these challenges be positive catalysts, and use them to practice letting go of your expectations and pride.
Regardless of the techniques you use, making the choice to prioritize your spiritual health can have a positive ripple effect on all other areas of your life. If you feel stuck on your journey, consult with one of our professional psychics to receive a personal reading that can help you get started.
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