This hot spiritual trend can help raise vibration, amplify your mood and bring you into balance. Spiritual expert Helen Hardware explains all you need to know…
You’ve probably heard of the idea of ‘having your colours done’ to identify the exact
colours and shades that complement and enhance your natural skin tone, and hair or eye colour, but have you ever considered dressing to align with your aura colour? Aura styling is the latest development in clothing colour psychology, and it’s revolutionary.
What is an aura?
We all have an aura; it’s a natural energy field that you transmit out around your body and head. It’s sometimes referred to as a biofield, and it contains an energetic imprint of who you are; your personality and characteristics. It’s made up of many layers of energy, a bit like the rings of a tree, and each layer can store imprints and memories of things that have happened to you. Special photography can help you capture the colours in your aura, and the area of the body they relate to – but you can also train you eye to see these for yourself.
Reveal your energy field
Before you begin, start by taking a few moments to ground and centre yourself. Take a couple of deep breaths and feel your feet connecting to the floor. It can help to visualise roots extending down from the soles of your feet.
The easiest way to see other people’s auras is with a plain white background behind them. Allow your vision to soften, and gaze three to four inches away from their head – you will see their energetic outline. Observe what colours you notice. At first it might be blurred or faint but with practise it will get clearer.
To see your own aura, stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room. Close your eyes for a few moments and when you open them, look at one specific spot, such as the middle of your forehead or the tip of your nose. Keep your gaze soft and unfocused, and you’ll again see an energetic outline that follows the contours of your head. You might also see flashes of colour popping around you.
Whilst the aura itself can extend up to two meters from the body, it’s often easiest to see the inner layers nearest to the body. Just like a mood ring, your energy colours tend to change depending on your emotional state. However, your true nature doesn’t change, and these inner layers are the intrinsic colours that most strongly show up in your aura.
Why the location matters
The location of the colours within your aura can also provide an indication of where they came from and how you can balance them. The right-hand side of our energy field, for example, is where we energetically hold influences from our past – this might be emotional trauma, personal beliefs, or relationship issues with parents or previous partners, or, great love and compassion.
Our left-hand side, however, is the energy that you’re inviting into your broader life right now. It represents current relationships, personal fulfilment, career, or your financial situation. The other key area of importance is above the head which reflects your current emotional state. It is the part that most commonly fluctuates depending on how you are feeling each day.

Helen Hardware is a Soulful Confidence coach, with a passion and expertise in helping professional women embrace their woo and wow, and step out of the spiritual closet. Visit for more and follow her on Instagram @soulful_confidence and @helenhardware on Facebook.