Chiming in with this issue’s theme about the power of love and connection, Hannah Walker talks twin flames
What does it mean to have a twin flame? A twin flame connection is considered to be one of the intense and educational relationships of all, and can bring about a whirlwind of change and emotions. It is said to be one of the most powerful soul experiences someone can incur. One of the main features of a twin flame connection is that it is both healing and challenging. Twin flame connections can be incredibly complex, so here are four signs below to look out for:
1 Mirror reflection
A twin flame is usually a mirror reflection of ourselves, but not in terms of physical appearance, I mean more on a deeper energetic and soul level. A twin flame connection usually mirrors us and shows us our deepest fears, shadows and insecurities. Further to this, a twin flame may trigger you in some way and through this process brings about change and healing. Now speaking from experience, I don’t want somebody reading this to accept a toxic relationship and confuse it for a twin flame connection. If you feel that a connection is toxic and is not serving a purpose to your life, it is highly unlikely that it is a twin flame connection. I would advise you to take some time to reflect on the steps you may need to take in order to bring about balance back into your life.
2 A connection that brings you both back together
The energy of a twin flame connection can be quite intense – as one person runs, the other chases, and it is simply because they are the other half of your soul. It can be tiring at times, but at this stage, growth appears for both people involved. You may change job, house or something else major in your life. A twin flame connection isn’t all sunshine and daisies. They can be challenging at times depending on which stage of the process you are in.
3 Psychic connection
You may be more than likely to feel the other one’s energy when you are not around them. For example, you may sense their feelings, and thoughts. You may even be able to communicate on a telepathic level, as this is quite common in twin flame connections.
4 An intense feeling or connection
Sometimes referred to as ‘feeling like home’, twin flames can give you a sense of belonging and recognition. This is simply because, again, they are the other half of your soul. You will usually feel a sense of familiarity when around your twin flame (that’s if you’re not in the running stage of the process and are not actually speaking at this time). Within a twin flame connection, there is an intense emotional charge present. This usually leads to an intense and passionate connection in which you will feel very connected on a soul level like no other.
How can a psychic help with a twin flame connection?
As a psychic myself, I know that twin flame connections are widely spoken about and are often confusing and complex, and that is why I wanted to write this article. A reading can sometimes help you navigate through some challenges, providing guidance and answers into what could be done, or how the connection may pan out in the future. I also want to add that if you are reading this and you feel you have not come across your twin flame yet, don’t panic. For more daily insights and to meet others with like minds, check out my Facebook page

Hannah Walker is an international psychic who was born with a soul purpose to help others connect to their loved ones, deliver psychic messages and guidance. She would like to say a special thank you to both her beautiful children who have supported her and encouraged her to help guide others around the world, for it is them she says she owes everything to. More can be found at
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