Our experts share easy rituals and ideas to help guide you onyour individual path
It might be a cliché but the new year really is the ideal time to do some soul searching and ensure you’re heading in the right direction. And if you’re looking for advice and ways to find a more fulfilling path, our experts are here to help. Take on board their advice and try their recommended products to welcome joy and love into your life!
“Balance your chakras”
Annie Wilkinson-Gill from The Crystal Buddha shows us how crystals can be used to align your chakras
Chakra balancing is the process of restoring the harmonious flow of energy across the chakra system. The word chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means ‘wheel’ and refers to energy points in your body. The seven major chakras run from the base of your spine to the top of your head and if these get blocked, it is said that you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra. Chakra crystals are a good starting point for anyone beginning their spiritual journey. Chakra kits are made up of a group of gems, which can be used to unblock and align a person’s chakras. At The Crystal Buddha you can buy kits ready-made, or if you’d rather, you can put your own together. They are a great spiritual tool and there is no correct or incorrect way for chakra stones to be used. Why not try one of the following ideas?
• Meditate with your crystals, envisage the correlating colours swirling around each individual chakra.
• Place the stones on your physical body and position them at the seven chakra points.
• Wear them as a pendant or bracelet or keep them on your person.
• Create a crystal grid.
• Sleep with them under your pillow.
Find out more fabulous crystal and chakra rituals at thecrystalbuddha.com
“Make positive change this New Year”
Soul healer and spiritual coach Nichola Hemming is encouraging us to find time to shine in 2023
We’re about to embark on a brand new year ahead, so what are your priorities, dreams and ambitions for 2023? Is it just to survive and continue along the same path or are you ready to make positive change and create the life you’ve always dreamed about? As a soul healer and spiritual coach, I can help you to check in with yourself on a soul level, as well as delve into your akashic records, introduce you to your higher self and hold space to create the life of your dreams, using several tools including karmic cord cutting, soul retrieval, quantum physics and kundalini energy. New for 2023, I have created a 12-week programme which will give you the space, tools and support that you need to create the blueprint for the life you truly desire. With almost 30 years’ experience in businesses as well as over 20 years in spiritual transformation and self-actualisation, I can pass on the knowledge you’ll need to make a positive shift in your reality. For more information, visit thesoulangels.co.uk, email info@thesoulangels.co.uk or find Soul Angels on Facebook (@thesoulangelsuk) and Instagram (@thesoulangels.co.uk).
“Uncover your purpose”
Author, speaker and angel messenger Jennifer Jayde believes that being aligned to your purpose is key for a successful life
Sometimes people mistake fatigue and low energy for a need to make a diet change, and while that may help, most often what is actually missing is the passion and electricity that comes from being aligned with your purpose. Generally speaking, your purpose is when you are aligned with what brings youfull and complete joy – though many people actually spend their whole lives either ignoring it, or searching for it in all the wrong places. If you are interested in seeking further clarity on your own specific purpose, take my free yet powerfully insightful Find Your Purpose quiz, available temporarily at jenniferjayde.com. Who knows how many people you might inspire by having the courage to explore what inspires you?
“Be brave and take inspiration from others”
Laura Morrice, an energy healer, spiritual life coach and best-selling author, reveals how to find out what matters to you
We are all spiritual beings having a human existence. I am sure you will have read that statement before, but it can be hard to relate to, especially if you are only starting to discover the spiritual side of your being. With so many gurus out there, it can seem like a minefield of information that can create more confusion than clarity when figuring out which direction to take. Trust me; I’ve been there! Something that helps me discern what’s right for me is remembering this: ‘Take inspiration from others, but not direction’. From my many years of experience, what stands out is that we are all unique. Our energy make-up is the same, but our blockages and limitations are because of our
experiences, and no two lives are ever the same. So we must be brave enough to seek development to assist our growth and work that lights a fire of passion in our hearts.
My book, Signposts to Source, gives a raw, honest account of finding my spiritual path (available on Amazon). My coaching programme Chakra Connections will guide and support you to find yours too. Email laura@lauramorrice. com for more information, or visit lauramorrice.com or facebook.com @ lauramorriceenergyhealer
“Discover your own truth”
Transformational women’s coach Helen Leathers gives her tips on developing your spiritual beliefs
Here are my top tips for discovering your own truth:
1) Try meditation for clarity and connection in a crazy world.
2) Connect with your own inner wisdom and intuition to help guide you in your soul’s direction.
3) Understand and work with your subtle energy to feel connected and resourceful without getting drained.
4) Have excellent boundaries for practical everyday matters, to protect yourself and be empowered.
With these in mind, I have put together some exciting offers only for Soul & Spirit readers. Scan the QR code or visit spiritualcoaching.me/soulspirit/ to find a free meditation download and three online courses covering the topics above. Use the code SOUL15 and receive 15% off any or all of them. Enjoy, and happy new year!
“Embrace the power of sound healing”
Cosmic songbird Natalie Farrell is encouraging you to experience the benefits of sound healing for yourself
What holds you back? Perhaps you are feeling anxious, exhausted and disconnected from who you
really are? Imagine being able to release old, stuck emotions that are blocking you from expressing your true power. For two decades, I’ve been helping people transform their lives in a safe and supported way. And now, I’m bringing all my knowledge and experience into one incredible sound healing journey. Released on iTunes and Spotify in October, Born To Stand Out is a complete cosmic sound experience, designed to transport you through your struggles into a higher level of harmonious consciousness. It is a complete sonic soundscape that will take Cosmic songbird Natalie Farrell is encouraging you to experience the benefits of sound healing for yourself you through a provocative emotional bursting and act as a catalyst for change. Upgrade your energy with this evocative five-track EP; a beautiful medley of angelic sounds, Gregorian chant, light language, opera, shamanic energy, and percussive vocalisations. It will help you tap into the power of your own light, finally let go of anything that has been holding you back and amplify your human experience. Born To Stand Out is a truly magical compilation of frequency-shifting music taking brain entertainment to the next level. You can order the EP from cosmicsongbird. bandcamp.com/album/born-to-stand-out or find out more at nataliefarrell.co
“Connect with the angels”
Spiritual goddess Trish McKinnley explains how to connect with celestial beings and reap the benefits
Wherever you are on your spiritual path, angels open plenty of doors, so connecting with your guardian angel is a great first step for beginners. Angels and archangels provide guidance and safe, deeper connections when enhancing or broadening your spiritual journey with oracle decks, crystals and fairies, and manifesting love, prosperity and health. Here are three ways to connect with them:
1) Ask your guardian angel to make their presence known. Say: “Guardian angel, my divine partner of love and light, please let me know, feel, and hear that you are near.” Trust your intuition. Your guardian angel will give you a sign!
2) Put angels on a task. If there’s something you want help with, ask. Say: “Angels. Please help me with (fill in the blank). Thank you!” Now, trust they are on it. Angels ways are not our ways, and they have more intel. Let them do their thing and allow the magic. They will even help you with patience while waiting if you ask!
3) Do a mini meditation. Holding an angel crystal like amethyst, selenite or blue chalcedony, close your eyes. Take a cleansing breath, asking angels to raise your vibration. Breathe normally and when you feel an inner or outer peace, open your eyes. Your intuition will be heightened too, so watch for angel signs and messages throughout your day.
Take your angel communication to the next level with my Angels On Demand course. Visit TrishMckinnley.com/courses and connect @TrishMckinnley on Instagram and YouTube.
“Expand your angel collection”
Merlin and angel healer Daisy Foss recommends adding to your angel collection for an uplifting boost
Whether as a gift just for you or for a loved one, an angel is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year. I just love being surrounded by Merlin, angels and dragons, but since we moved premises, I do have rather a lot of them and I’m ready to let some go.
Check out my new website daisyfoss.com, where we have a host of angel gifts. Many of them are spiritual tools from the Daisy Centres Retreat in Glastonbury. There are many preloved altar items that include angel statues, books, crystals and many more spiritualtreasures. They are all on my Facebook and website shop, so go and have a look. In November, we also launched a new digital download meditation video of the Archangels Crystal Sound Healing Temple Series by me with music and visuals by Paul Foss, the cosmic percussionist.
The angels of awakening sang hallelujah in rejoice all day long. We have a special offer for readers wanting to buy the complete series; see our website for details. Or you can sign up for an angels four-week spiritual development course if you wish to improve your connection and hear the angels sing. We have new Merlin and The Angels of Awakening, Crystal Healing and Angels of Awakening Ascension Process classes starting in January 2023. For more information, visit daisyfoss.com or email info@daisyfoss.com. Hope to see you soon!
“Make space for new beginnings”
Carolyn Creel suggests 2023 is the time to cleanse, let go, energise, act and receive
I want to help others to let go of the past, gain clarity on the here and now, and take the next steps to living a life that feels good to you. Whilst the tarot can offer insight into what wants to come through, often we need support from spirit to help us cleanse and clear our energy in order to receive what waits just around the corner. It’s not just about your bodily energy or physical spaces; it’s about auditing every aspect of your existence. It’s about making space for new things to come in.
Coming from Yorkshire, I don’t beat around the proverbial Carolyn Creel suggests 2023 is the time to cleanse, let go, energise, act and receive bush and what you will get with me is truth, and a safe non-judgemental space regardless of your challenges. My C.L.E.A.R Method readings are booked in blocks of three. We take steps to clear blocks from the past, get clarity on what you need in the present and make space so you can usher in the new. What better time to set some new intentions and declutter what no longer serves you?
For further guidance, you can pick up a copy of my book How To Be Your Own Medium, available from Amazon; or I offer spiritual guidance packages which can help you get clear on your purpose and where in life you wish to go next. Find out more at carolyncreel.com, email carolyn@carolyncreel.com or follow me on Instagram via @carolynspiritual. Happy new year!
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