Raise your vibe
This new crystal deck from Athena Bahri can help you open your arms to love…

Raise Your Vibes Crystal Cards (£22.99, Watkins) is a sparkling and beautifully designed crystal card deck created by Instragram influencer and TV host Athena Bahri. It incorporates Reiki and chakra principles, with an energy-raising activity for each crystal card, and can help encourage all forms of love into your life. When we channel the divine energy of Reiki into our crystals, chakras and affirmations, it’s believed we can maximise the energetic vibrations of them all. The result is deep healing, profound wellbeing and supercharged manifestation.
There are 55 stunning crystal cards in this deck, each carrying the energetic imprint of their crystal, so you don’t need to own the actual crystals themselves to benefit from their powers. Instead draw on each crystal’s power with quick fix vibes, rituals and affirmations. Use the cards to work on life areas linked to each chakra; from protection, finances and fears in the root chakra to inner wisdom and enlightenment in the crown chakra. Just ask the cards for guidance on problems, healing and shift your vibration to the positive with love and joy at the forefront. Find out more at crystalreikihealer.com or @crystalreikihealer
Declutter your thoughts
Carolyn Creel explains why you need to declutter and nenergise your relationship with yourself, in order to attract true love…

As a tarot reader, often the one question folk would ask is: “Are they the one?” Often any doubts are compounded in a feeling or a knowing, and essentially if you have to ask me that question, you will already know the answer. More often than not, it has nothing to do with the partner in question, and everything to do with the person sat in front of me. In my official CLEAR circle and CLEAR method sessions, we explore what it is that you need to declutter and energise in your relationship with yourself, which ultimately ripples out through all connections you have in life.
Here are some questions to ask: How do you feel about yourself? What traits would you wish to see in an ideal partner? Are you looking for love or lust? What do you want from a partner? Often when we are struggling to attract our life partner it is because we need to declutter our own thoughts about ourselves. To truly attract someone who is aligned with you, it starts with making sure you know who you are, and you love who you are. If you would like to get CLEAR, reach out and we’ll set you right. To find out more, visit carolyncreel.com
Learn to love yourself
Laura Morrice, author, energy healer and spiritual life coach, explains why being able to love yourself can help all of your relationships…
Love is what life is all about. We all want to feel loved, to give and receive it. We are, at our core, divine beings made of pure love energy. But how many people never experience real, unconditional love because of their life’s conditioning? And I’m not just talking about romantic love. How many people go through life without being able to love themselves? It may sound like a cliché, but until we can love ourselves unconditionally, just as we are, love will never materialise in the way we’d like.
After enduring two long-term abusive and traumatic relationships, I was at my lowest point and desperate to feel love. But I knew I had to find it within me before looking for it elsewhere. So I began three years of intense energy healing and mindset work, stripping away all those false beliefs that had prevented me from seeing and feeling my worth. As a result, I not only found myself again but I also found alignment, purpose and true love in every sense of the word! And none of that would have been possible had I not learned to love myself first. You can read my full story in my book Signposts to Source, available on Amazon. Find out more at lauramorrice.com or facebook.com/ lauramorriceenergyhealer
Understand your relationship
For clairvoyant and psychic Wendy Dove, they key to a happy partnership comes from understanding what makes it work…

Having a compatibility reading by an expert will give you valuable insight into whether or not your relationship will stand the tests of time. It also works for friendships, work colleagues and family members as it takes an in-depth look into the strengths and weaknesses that can make or break any relationship.
Compatibility readings can also allow you to take an in-depth look at your own strengths and weaknesses and it can highlight how you may be perceiving things in a way that can cause problems. Changing your own outlook can help you in a myriad of ways – sometimes highlighting your sensitivities in certain areas, and adjusting accordingly, can improve your relationships, for example.
We are all adapting and growing on our life journey,and adapting and changing is essential for us all in order to live our best life. Finding out more about ourselves, for better or for worst, can only help us to discover the best outcome in all areas. Astrology has been used for thousands of years to help map the future of our planet and looking at our own personal love relationships can open our eyes, allowing us to iron out any rough spots and develop a more solid platform for the future. We are all steering our way through this life the best we can, and having as much information to hand as possible works to help us make better choices when it comes to those important decisions.
To book a reading with me or one of my handpicked psychics, please call 0207 111 6126 or find out more at wendydove.co.uk
Find your magic spark
Merlin and angel healer Daisy Foss reveals how the angels can help bring extra love into your space…
To improve your love life, family relationships and all others with ease and grace, invoke and call upon Archangel Chamuel to find the magical spark. Take the time to ask and invite the ‘one who sees God’ to fill your heart space with comfort and joy. As this beautiful Elohim angel flows through the pink ray of unconditional love, bathing you in kindness and compassion, you will experience your heart softening and radiate love out into your world.
Are you looking for extra passion, love and light? Hold a green fluorite crystal over your sacral chakra and ask the angels and St Valentine to assist you in finding your soul mate with peace and serenity. Would you like to meditate and immerse yourself in the loving embrace of the archangels and combine their celestial music with all their crystals, colours, sacred geometry and the energy of the temples of ancient Egypt?
Invest in the Angels Of Awakening Archangels Crystal Sound Healing Temple Series by myself, with music and visuals by Paul Foss, the Cosmic Percussionist. We have a special offer for readers buying the complete series of eight digital download meditation videos and two clear quartz crystal points. See daisyfoss.com for details. Or, if you’re looking for an extra gift for yourself, invest in a one-to-one healing session with me to transform your mind, body and soul, with an angel card reading, a divine energy healing and angel coaching. These and many more modalities and angel courses are available in person or online at daisyfoss.com or angelsofawakening.com
Reignite your passion
Struggling to juggle your role as a mother with your role as a romantic lover? Clio Wood can help support you…
Get Your Mojo Back (£12.99, Watkins) is an informative yet often hilarious guide on sex in motherhood from maternal health advocate and journalist Clio Wood. Focusing on all of the practical aspects that can affect your sexual experience and intimate relationships in motherhood, each chapter contains a personal story to relate to as well as tips to overcome unfulfilling sex and numbness, painful postpartum intercourse and struggles with your new identity, mental health and changed body. Plus, it reveals how to reignite that all important spark with your partner!
The book features expert information from women’s healthcare professionals including psychologists specialising in perinatal mental health, trauma and sex and relationships, and women’s healthcare professionals including obstetricians and physios.
Get Your Mojo Back will appeal to new and existing mothers who are keen to know exactly how to reclaim their sexuality whilst also improving their mental and physical wellbeing after birth. Find out more at andbreathewellbeing.com or on Facebook and Instagram @andbreathewellbeing
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