On June 6th, 2024, we have a New Moon at 16° Gemini.
The New Moon is exactly conjunct Venus (also at 16° Gemini). Mercury and Jupiter are also in Gemini. We essentially have a 5-planet stellium New Moon in Gemini. This New Moon is Gemini galore!
What is Gemini about? We primarily associate Gemini with curiosity, mental stimulation, and communication.
However, there’s more to Gemini. Gemini is a very important stage of our identity formation.
Gemini is the first sign of the zodiac to feature humans rather than animals in its symbology: the twins. The twins represent the basic duality of the Universe, and the relationship between form and spirit. Gemini reveals polarization and an awareness of opposites.
If Aries is our instinct and Taurus is our senses, with Gemini we create a split between instinct and intellect. With Gemini, we don’t just simply feel our way through – we distance ourselves from the stimulus and we attempt to understand it. This is how awareness is created.
It is believed that the Age Of Gemini began when Adam and Eve developed awareness and realized they were naked, so they were cast out of Eden, or the metaphorical Taurus garden.
Before the Age of Gemini, human consciousness was tribal, not individualistic. It’s only with the Age of Gemini that humans began to perceive reality through duality – or the separation of subject and object; this is when individual consciousness was born.
New Moon In Gemini – Twin #1, Twin #2
In a broader sense, Gemini is where we become aware of the different parts of our Self; when we realize that we don’t live in full coherence but there are nuances, contradictions, and complexities. We are basically the sum of all our mini-individualities.
There’s parts of us who desire one thing and parts of us who desire another.
We usually put some of these parts forward, at the detriment of others. This means that there are parts of us that need expression, that need a voice. When we put one part of us forward, the other remains dormant. When we show the world one twin, the other stays in the background.
The New Moon in Gemini is square Saturn (now at 18° Pisces). At the New Moon, Saturn is questioning this identity dissociation process:
- Who comes first, twin #1, twin#2, and why?
- Are all the parts of yourself given the stage to express themselves?
- How do you reconcile the duality within yourself? How do your inner twins get along?
- Who are you? Twin #1, twin #2, or a combination of both?
New Moon In Gemini – The Ship Of Theseus
The ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus’ paradox, is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object.
The paradox asks whether a ship – the ship of Theseus – that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship.
Everything in the 3D world changes, transforms, and renews. The world as we see it today is totally different from the world that existed 10, 100, or 1000 years ago. Nature continuously blossoms and dies. Yet, there is a matrix of continuity.
The cells in our body die too, to get replaced by new ones. There’s very little of us (just some brain and muscle cells) that is the same as 10 or 20 years ago.
Coming back to the Theseus paradox – if almost all the cells in our body are different from when we were born, can we say we are a different person? Is the ship of Theseus the same ship, after having replaced every single part?
According to Aristotle, the ship of Theseus is the ‘same’ ship, because the formal cause, or design, does not change, even though the matter used to construct it may vary with time.
This suggests that it’s the design, or the DNA that defines our identity; to preserve this initial design, this DNA, there is continuous change and adaptation (Gemini).
The New Moon in Gemini square Saturn is a reminder that while our identity is in a continuous evolution, change, and renegotiation, there is an underlying direction that our ship sails toward.
While in the ocean of life, we may drift and adapt, we must always remember where our ship is heading. Why was it initially built for, what was its purpose?
And if we get stuck in a sandbar, that’s perhaps because there are parts of us that need more expression. Exploring the different facets of our identity and bringing forward both our inner twins doesn’t make us inauthentic or contradictory. It’s a natural part of the journey called life.
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