The Challenge of Personal Change
If you’re lucky, you are transforming constantly. Everything people do, everyone they interact with — it all compounds to help them evolve and grow. Every day, people are faced with opportunities to push themselves and see what they can become. Naturally, not every day is meant for pushing limits. However, at the same time, getting too comfy with your current state can lead to stagnation.
How can people stay aware of their growth when it happens in such small ways, over such long periods of time? Often, it seems like the only way to see how far you’ve come is to look backward and view it in hindsight. However, transformation is arguably less like being in the darkness of a chrysalis but rather like sitting with your nose pushed against a Seurat painting. It looks like nothing more than tiny dots of color, blurring together into something chaotic. But when you step back and remove yourself from the situation or simply get a new perspective, you may be shocked by the picture that emerges. So, this week, let’s focus on the idea of conscious transformation and discuss how self-awareness can facilitate this growth.
Saturday, August 27
“I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.”
— Anais Nin
Sometimes, people look back on themselves and want to cringe. They would never do things that way now, after all. But try challenging yourself to look at your growth differently. Can you appreciate all the people you’ve been? Can you honor them, even if you no longer agree with them?
Sunday, August 28
“An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.”
— Hafiz
The more that people work on themselves, the brighter their energy becomes. Healing is not something that happens in a vacuum, and when you’re consciously working to better yourself, it rubs off on everyone around you. When you have your feet planted firmly beneath you, it becomes easier for others to lean on you when necessary.
Monday, August 29
“Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.”
— Alan Cohen
Once again, challenge yourself to alter your own perceptions. Sometimes, a simple paradigm shift can alter the way that your experiences affect you. See roadblocks not as barriers but as challenges to overcome — as trials on your way to enlightenment.
Tuesday, August 30
“Will I ever be done, transformed in the past tense, or will I always be transforming, better and better until I die?”
— Carmen Maria Machado
Personal evolution never ceases. It is the tide, and your life is the ocean. Fighting against it will cause nothing but turmoil. It’s time to let yourself ride the waves, feel the water, and allow yourself to be moved. This is, ultimately, one of humanity’s best qualities: their ability to adapt and transform.
Wednesday, August 31
“When you fight yourself to discover the real you, there is only one winner.”
— Stephen Richards
Try to stop pitting yourself against your emotions today. Look at the things you’ve previously considered to be hard lines, impassible walls, and massive blockages. How many of these struggles only affected past versions of you? Have you checked to see how your growth can help you navigate the world differently?
Thursday, September 1
“You only struggle because you’re ready to grow but aren’t willing to let go.”
— Drew Gerald
If it feels like you’re fighting against yourself, consider what exactly you’re scared of losing. Sometimes, personal transformation can feel like a loss when it is, in fact, the future. Moving forward is ultimately the only way to broaden one’s mind. It may be time to check in and see if you’re standing in your own way.
Friday, September 2
“When, at last, I ceased to be myself, I came to be.”
— Kamand Kojouri
Take a moment today to imagine all the people you’ve been before and all of the people you have the potential to be. Though it isn’t always the case, people often enough have the potential to shape their destinies in ways that are still unknown. If you’re unsure about where to start, try looking back one year at a time. Think about where you were at this time of year as you go back. You may be surprised by what you find.
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