The first month of the year comes with a much needed clarity and forward momentum.
In January 2023, a record of 3 planets turn direct!
We may not get this sense of direction straight away.
On January 1st 2023, we’re still pretty much under the influence of the heavy Venus-Pluto transit. Venus conjunct Pluto – which was exact on December 31st, 2022 – has raised some serious questions about what makes us happy and fulfilled in our lives, and has also shown us the gap between where we are now vs. where we truly want to be.
However, these Plutonic insights will propel us to find solutions to fill the gap, and mid-month, when Mars, and then Mercury go direct, we will finally find that sense of clarity and forward momentum about what we need to do to live a more fulfilling life.
But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:
January 2nd, 2023 – Venus Enters Aquarius
On January 2nd, 2023 Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius.
Aquarius is a collective sign – the sign of friends, communities and society as a whole. When Venus is in Aquarius, we all feel a bit more open minded, open hearted and inclusive.
Later in the month, Venus will be part of a 4-planet stellium in Aquarius, showing us that there is beauty in cohesiveness and togetherness.
January 6th, 2023 – Full Moon In Cancer
On January 6th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 16° Cancer. The Full Moon is opposite Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, square Chiron in Aries and sextile Uranus in Taurus.
The Full Moon will trigger our identity wound (Chiron in Aries) but it will also offer us tools and approaches to look at this wound from a different angle (sextile Uranus).
This identity wound is part of us, but it doesn’t define us. It pushes our buttons, but that’s because it’s in the process of embracing our early hurts that we allow ourselves to transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
January 7th, 2023 – Mercury Rx Conjunct Sun
On January 7th, 2023 Mercury retrograde is conjunct the Sun at 17° Capricorn. The Mercury-Sun conjunction marks the beginning of a brand new Mercury cycle.
A Mercury cycle lasts for about 4 months, so if you plan to do something that requires 3-4 months to complete, this is a good time to initiate it.
You don’t have to “go live” with this project just yet (wait for Mars and Mercury to go direct) but now it’s a good time to put things down from pen to paper – or from fingerprints to keyboard.
January 12th, 2023 – Mars Goes Direct
It has now been 2 and a half months since Mars went retrograde, messing up our plans and making our lives difficult. On January 12th, 2023, Mars finally goes direct at 8° Gemini.
Mars’ direct station will bring a huge relief in the area of your life ruled by Gemini. If you’ve been feeling stuck and unable to move forward, Mars going direct will show you the way out of the maze.
January 18th, 2023 – Mercury Goes Direct
We have even more good news. A few days after Mars goes direct, on January 18th, 2023, Mercury also goes direct at 8° Capricorn.
If Mars direct brought our mojo back, Mercury direct will bring us the much needed clarity and focus to follow through on our plans. Things are finally moving forward.
January 18th, 2023 – Sun Conjunct Pluto
On January 18th, 2023, we will have a Sun-Pluto conjunction at 27° Capricorn.
Sun conjunct Pluto asks us to face the bare and naked truth: “Who are you, really?”. The bare and naked truth is rarely comfortable, because there is always a part of us that doesn’t quite live up to its full potential.
The good thing is that this discomfort will eventually push us to do something about it. Sun conjunct Pluto’s goal is to awaken us to our true power, to our true potential.
January 20th, 2023 – Sun Enters Aquarius
On January 20th, 2023 the Sun enters Aquarius. Happy birthday to all Aquarius people out there!
This is a very special Aquarius season for Aquarians and everyone else. For the first time in years, Saturn in Aquarius is no longer square Uranus. Time to finally enjoy the beautiful Aquarius season!
January 21st, 2023 – New Moon In Aquarius
On January 21st, 2023 we have an auspicious New Moon at 1° Aquarius. The New Moon is a true new “Aquarius” beginning.
Conjunct Pluto, the New Moon is a preview of the upcoming 20-year long Pluto in Aquarius transit. Sextile Jupiter and trine Mars, the New Moon will bring opportunities to pursue our dreams together with like-minded people who “get” us.
At the New Moon in Aquarius, we are relaunching our Age Of Aquarius Community, introducing new tech features like live streaming as well as interest groups meant to bring like-minded people together – online or in person through local chapters.
We will open the doors to the Community when Mercury goes direct on January 18th, if you’re interested, make sure you save the date!
January 23rd, 2023 – Uranus Goes Direct
On January 23rd, 2023 Uranus goes direct at 14° Taurus. This is the first time in years when Uranus goes direct and it’s not within a square orb with Saturn.
We now have the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, and when Uranus, Aquarius’ ruler goes direct, there is a tremendous forward momentum connected to the Aquarius area of your chart.
Things that have been stuck for years are finally starting to move again.
January 26th, 2023 – Venus Enters Pisces
On January 26th, 2023 Venus enters the sign of her exaltation, Pisces. In the following weeks, you will be more receptive and intuitive than usual, and will relate deeply to love, art, poetry, music – and everything that is beautiful.
The transit culminates with a conjunction to Neptune on Valentine’s day, when we are invited to surrender to the unconditional love that the universe is always pouring into us.
February 2023 has many other amazing things in store, but until then, have a great January!
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