Retrograde in Autumn 2022
Most people automatically go into crisis mode when they hear that any planet is retrograde — but never more so than when the planet in question is Mercury. However, is Mercury Retrograde as scary as people think? Yes, communications can go awry, and electronics may seem to have a mind of their own, but there are many positive things that happen when this planet spins backward.
Of course, not every Mercury Retrograde is created equal. For instance, Mercury going retrograde in Libra or during the Autumn Equinox can be particularly perturbing, as this takes a time of balance and turns it on its ear. Unfortunately, that is the case for the approaching Mercury Retrograde (which begins on September 9 and lasts until October 1). Luckily, this doesn’t have to be a negative experience, even if it is disorienting.
A Mantra for
Mercury Retrograde
following quote from Elise Edwards is a great mantra to adopt during Mercury
Retrograde — and any retrograde, in fact: “A common way to make the best of
retrograde energy is to engage in activities that start with ‘RE-.‘ Reorganize,
Reassess, Restore, Reflect, Repair, Revive, Redirect, and Reconsider.”
Using that quote as a guide, it is easy to see how this upcoming Mercury Retrograde can be turned into a positive experience rather than something to dread. Go ahead and reorganize and declutter your home or workspace so that you can move ahead with a clearer space and mind, or go ahead and revive a favorite hobby that you haven’t had time for in a while. Spend time reflecting on what you need to thrive, then be ready to implement those changes when Mercury goes direct again.
Your Life This Autumn
Mercury is
all about communication with other people and with the world at large, so when
it goes retrograde, that focus is turned inward. Instead of focusing on what you
say, focus on how you communicate and how you can better express yourself so
that you’ll be understood more clearly.
It’s also not surprising for people from your past to pop up during this time. Alternatively, you may find yourself wondering about old loves and friends. Take a chance and reach out! You never know, they may be thinking about you too. This can easily fit into the repair and reflect aspects of the retrograde. You may not mend broken fences, but you can gain some much-needed closure.
Take Advantage of the Equinox
As mentioned above, the Autumn Equinox occurs during this retrograde, on September 22. The equinox happens twice a year, and it is traditionally celebrated as the time when day and night are equal, giving people a chance to focus on grounding and centering themselves before winter comes along.
Furthermore, since Libra is the sign in charge of partnerships of all kinds, you might feel strain in your current relationships, or you may feel burdened by the stress of past drama. Between the energies of Mercury’s backspin and the equinox’s penchant for balance, this is an excellent time to address unresolved issues in your personal life. Don’t think this only pertains to personal relationships, though. This is also a great chance to get on better footing with coworkers and colleagues.
However, one
important thing to keep in mind is that this probably isn’t a great time to put
major changes into action. Remember the “Re’s” above. By all means, take this
chance to reflect, repair, and reconsider during these three weeks of Mercury
Retrograde 2022, but hold off on making things official until after Mercury goes
direct on October 2.
Use This
Fall’s Retrograde To Your Benefit
This may also be a great time to get a reading so you can make sure that you’re working on what is truly important. It can be easy to accidentally ignore the things that you should be focusing on. You could touch base with a Numerology Psychic to see which days might be the trickiest for you, or perhaps talk to a Life Path Psychic to make sure that you are headed in the direction of your highest good.
However, as you approach this particular Mercury Retrograde, remember that the Universe really isn’t out to get you. It’s just that sometimes people need a bit of tough love to get to where they’re supposed to be.
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The post Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde This Fall appeared first on California Psychics.