On April 8th, 2024 we have the most intense eclipse of the year: a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.
The Eclipse is at 19° Aries and it’s exactly conjunct Chiron.
The Sun, the Moon and Chiron align at the same degree and same minute 19° 24’ – I don’t recall ever witnessing an Eclipse with an exact aspect orb; this is BIG.
At the Total Solar Eclipse, the Sun will disappear under the beams of the Moon; similarly, the depths of our being will be revealed, as our Self will be purified and reborn.
Mercury retrograde is also conjunct the Eclipse. What’s even more extraordinary, a comet will make an appearance in the eclipsed sky. What an omen!
To say the Eclipse sky looks spectacular is an understatement. Not only will the Sun disappear in the middle of the day, and the day will become night (that if you’re on the path of the eclipse). Not only are all the personal planets now visible. We also have a comet!
This eclipse has made the headlines, and for good reasons. It IS special.
Does this mean that everyone’s life will be dramatically impacted? Not all eclipses affect us in the same way. If the eclipse makes a tight aspect to personal planets or angles in our natal chart, then yes, the Total Eclipse in Aries will most likely speak to us directly.
But even in this scenario, nothing concrete may happen on the day of the Eclipse. While some eclipses indeed trigger life-changing events, let’s not forget that these are subtle new beginning energies. We may not be aware of the magnitude of this shift just yet.
Whether this Total Solar Eclipse directly affects your chart or not, pay attention. Pay attention to the news. Pay attention to what happens to other people in your life.
North Node Eclipse In Aries – Spring Cleaning
The Aries Eclipse is a North Node Solar Eclipse, signifying fated new beginnings.
The Aries season in general – and especially the New Moon in Aries – signals that time of the year when we start anew. This is when we metaphorically engage in spring cleaning.
Spring cleaning is a way to freshen up the home after the long winter months, remove dust and dirt, and prepare the space for the warmer season ahead.
In the Southern Hemisphere, while it’s not called “spring cleaning” because it’s autumn, the idea of thorough cleaning and organizing to prepare for the change in seasons is similar.
Spring cleaning is a way to clear out the old and make space for the new. Removing the stagnant energies in dust, old clothes, or things we no longer need it’s not just a symbolic act. We literally remove the physical debris of the past, making room for fresh energy and opportunities.
Such a simple truth, yet sometimes we fail to acknowledge it. We have to let go of the old to make space for the new.
Many people want to get what they want first “If I get this, then I’ll make that change” but physics doesn’t work like this. Something new can only emerge when the space is empty and ready to receive it.
What does this concept mean in the context of the Total Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron?
Total Solar Eclipse In Aries Conjunct Chiron
At a simplistic level, a North Node Eclipse in Aries signifies the emergence of a new “You”. Who are You, and why are you here? The pull to discover your true potential is stronger than ever.
This is a super tricky task because 90% of the time we don’t know who we are, what we want, and what our mission is. Even when we do, the message is diluted and distorted by decades of societal conditioning.
We live in this world with its rules and frameworks. From the moment we take our first breath, our thoughts, feelings, and psychological processes are shaped by the world we live in. We think we want to pursue certain careers, get married, have a family, be wealthy, or be popular, etc., because this is what society defines as success.
We are wired to ‘prove ourselves’, to ‘convince’ others of our worth. All this is rooted in our Chiron wound of inadequacy. All our issues, everything we do in this life stems from the Chiron wound of not knowing who we are, of needing acceptance and validation in order to feel whole.
We believe that if we do well by society’s standards, if some ‘authority’ or higher power acknowledges us and tells us how great we are, all our issues will be solved. So we try hard to fit into the molds society has created, either by ‘fitting in’ or by ‘fighting back.
The way Aries tries to heal the Chiron identity wound is by fighting head-on. “They don’t see me, but they will”, “I’ll fight to prove them wrong”, “I’ll show them who I really am.”
We try to force our way through. We want to ‘win’ – so that the world can see us, and acknowledge us.
But the irony of this is that the harder we try, the farther away we move from our authentic selves.
When we fight the ‘establishment’ what we really do is to validate it. We give it our power. We allow it to define who WE are.
When we fight ‘patriarchal society’ we indirectly reinforce its unwritten rules. When we fight our devouring mothers, we emulate them, perpetuating the pattern. When we try to convince our manager that we are worthy of a promotion, we undermine our true value.
Of course, we can try to fight the system. And if we’re very determined, we might score some small wins here and there. But at what price? Is it worth it? Does it really make a difference? Does it make us happy?
Total Solar Eclipse In Aries – The Wound And The Gift
The Chiron in Aries identity wound is especially poignant for minorities, foreigners, and other marginalized groups. When we are a minority – and we all are, at least in one sector of our life – we try to ‘fit in’ by copying the majority.
But no matter how hard we try, to what extent we mold our personalities to fit in, we never truly blend in or feel completely accepted.
This effort is futile. Why? Because we can only be ourselves. We cannot be someone else. We will always be very good at being ourselves… and at very best, mediocre at being someone else.
Healing the Chiron identity wound is to an extent accepting that we will never truly ‘fit in’ in this world.
Transforming our wound into a gift is understanding that we are not supposed to.
It’s not ‘playing by the rules’ or ‘being someone else’ that will help us find our place in this world.
It’s being ourselves that will do it. Perhaps you’re not supposed to climb the corporate ladder. Perhaps you’re meant to do your own thing.
That which is odd or different about you is what makes you special. It’s what brings something new to the world. It’s your gift to the world.
It’s by cultivating your uniqueness that will fulfill your purpose in life.
Here are some Aries Eclipse messages and reflection prompts:
- You are not a victim; you are the hero of your own life
- Your past does not define you; you can start again, right here, right now
- There’s nothing to prove; the truth doesn’t need validation
- Let other people be who they are; by acknowledging their unique light, you’re honoring your own
- Allow yourself to be vulnerable; vulnerability is raw life force; vulnerability creates opportunities
- Your wound is your greatest gift
- You are here for a reason; the world needs that unique gift that only you have
- Role-model the change you want to see by living authentically and with integrity
- Be yourself; those who are supposed to will recognize you