On January 20th- January 21st, 2024 we have some BIG transits happening.
The Sun and Pluto meet at the very last minute of the very last Capricorn degree (29°59’).
They then march together hand in hand in Aquarius, so one day later, on January 21st, 2024, we have both the Sun and Pluto at 0°.
This is that once-every-year Sun in Aquarius ingress. This is the once-every-250-years Sun in Aquarius ingress. This is that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to align your goals and purpose in life (Sun) with the transformative power of collective change (Pluto).
A big chapter of your life comes to an end. As Sun and Pluto meet at the very end of Capricorn, there is a sense of urgency to have a breakthrough and to find closure to an area of your life connected to the Capriorn sector of your chart.
Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is HUGE. And Pluto’s ingress WITH the Sun makes things personal. The Sun makes it much easier to relate to this shift. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is a unique opportunity to check what this Pluto in Aquarius shift means for you at a personal level.
The Sun is the essence of who we are. It’s the center dot in the circle. It’s our spiritual purpose – our goals and direction in life.
We identify so much with our Sun because the Sun is what gives our existence meaning. Sure, all the other planets create the unique individual that we are. But the Sun is at the center. It’s the core of our being.
As a transpersonal planet, Pluto influences us at a much more subtle level. Pluto influences our society as a whole, and we are indirectly influenced by Pluto since we are all part of society. When there are big economic or cultural shifts, we individuals are affected as well.
Pluto In Aquarius – 2024-2044
On January 21st, 2024 Pluto moves from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is an epochal shift we already got a taste of in 2023 (from March to June) when Pluto spent a few weeks in Aquarius. This is when AI and Chat GPT got popularized, and when we understood that the world will never be the same again.
What can we expect from the next 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius?
A temptation would be to focus on the influence of technology and AI, but let’s take a look at the deeper dynamics at play.
Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Aquarius follows Capricorn. The ‘rules’ established by Capricorn are now put to the test. Are implemented. We get to see if they work – or not.
Saturn is the set of rules and systems our society is built on. Capricorn is the input part of the system. Aquarius is the output, or the feedback loop.
If Capricorn is the rulers and the rules, Aquarius is the “voice of the people ”, or how the world reacts to Capricorn’s rules and regulations.
Pluto in Capricorn metrics of success would be along the lines of “being a published author” “speaking at conferences”, “graduating from a prestigious university”, “having x peer-reviewed publications” – these are basically standards meant to ensure accomplishment within established societal frameworks.
Standards make sense, but they have their limitations.
Someone can be the best teacher according to Capricorn’s metrics of success, but if no student likes them, if their teaching method doesn’t actually work, are they still a great teacher? What makes someone a great teacher? Who establishes the criteria that someone is a great teacher?
One-to-many broadcasting models like radio and television made total sense back in the day. We needed capital and infrastructure (Capricorn) to establish news stations and publishing houses.
But when these channels become one-sided, used to propagate a certain (top-down) type of message, then it’s only natural – and in the best interest of the system – to look for information elsewhere.
We can’t fight nature, just like we can’t stop Pluto from circling the Sun, moving from Capricorn into Aquarius.
Pluto In Aquarius And The Collective Brain
When Pluto moves into Aquarius, rules and guidelines implemented years, decades or even centuries ago are tested for efficacy and efficiency.
Are they still relevant? Is there a better way?
When rules don’t make sense, people don’t follow them. There’s a group intelligence (Aquarius) that over time gains real-life experience, and simply ‘knows better’ than a few individuals at the top.
Oftentimes, policy-makers come up with initiatives derived from abstract ideals without understanding what actually happens on the ground level, without checking in with people’s everyday realities. What are they struggling with?
The paradox with being on the top of the mountain (Capricorn) is that you’re at the greatest distance from everyone else.
When you’re on the top of the mountain you can no longer see, or hear what’s happening at the ground level.
And of course, it’s easy to relate to this metaphor when we think of institutions or people of authority.
What we often forget is that we all have Capricorn in our natal charts. There’s a part of us that is Capricorn-wired. That sector of our life has been under very intense scrutiny in the past 15 years (when Pluto was in Capricorn). We’ve all learned a thing or two about the benefits, and the limitations of the Capricorn approach.
But the clock is ticking. Pluto is moving into Aquarius. In the next 20 years, Pluto will revolutionize the Aquarius sector of our chart from the inside out.
The more we proactively embrace transformation, the sooner we embody the higher expression of Aquarius – the less we will struggle with the inevitable changes that Pluto in Aquarius brings.
What does Pluto’s move into Aquarius mean for us, at an individual level?
Sun And Pluto Enter Aquarius – A New World, A New “You”
The Sun and Pluto ingress into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024 will give us a very direct and personal taste of this shift.
With Pluto in Aquarius, instead of relying on traditional ’metrics’ of success like a prestigious school diploma, a high yearly income, ideal weight, and number of social media followers – we want to shift our focus onto more bottom-up types of success indicators to run our lives.
What’s the actual feedback you get from others? What do others think you do well? What do others think that matters?
Do people actually listen to you when you talk about a certain topic? Are they being lit up and inspired? Do they ask follow-up questions? Or they nod their head, and look away in boredom?
Are you appreciated at your job – do you get positive feedback, raises and promotions? Or you get into conflict, and can’t keep a job for long?
If you’re working with people, are they coming back to you for more? Or they’re one-time clients, ghosting you when you follow up via email?
Does your current diet or health regimen (recommended by X doctor or Y social media influencer) give you actual results? Or perhaps there’s a different way to stay in good health, by tuning into your unique body design and needs?
When Pluto moves into Aquarius, we can no longer rely on ‘standards’ or conventional measures of success to define our goals and success in life.
The emphasis shifts from top-down success indicators “I’m a doctor/I’m a social media influencer, therefore I’m successful”, toward bottom-up success indicators “My results tell me whether I’m on the right track, and what to do next”.
Pluto in Aquarius invites us to reframe our perspective, by seeking more feedback and authentic connection with others.
Pluto in Aquarius calls us to listen to the collective voice, to the community intelligence that goes beyond unquestioned societal rules and hierarchical structures.
Each single one of us is unique, and has something special to offer to the world. It’s the community intelligence that will help us discover and refine what that unique thing is.
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